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Year 4

Exciting things the children will be learning in the Autumn term… 

Our topic this term will be ‘Anglo-Saxons’.  

Two of the school’s themes are structures and farming, so we shall be establishing how the Anglo-Saxons settled England and what their settlements looked like. We shall also be comparing the geography of Waterbeach and West Stow and learning about how the land use has changed over time.  We shall also be exploring some of the more interesting aspects of Anglo-Saxon life including their housing, farming, and the gods that they worshipped.  To enhance our learning, we will be going on a trip to Weststow Anglo-Saxon village in Suffolk. Confirmation of this will be sent out in the Autumn Term. 

In Science, we will be investigating electricity and then using our knowledge in DT to design and make a game which contains an electrical circuit. We will also be learning all about states of matter and the differences between solids, liquids, gases, and the water cycle.

In RE, we will be answering two key questions: ‘What kind of world did Jesus want?’ and ‘What does light and darkness mean?’.

In PSHE, we will be looking at how important it is to follow rules and what rights and responsibilities young people have. We will also explore our emotions and how we can best express ourselves.

In Computing, we will be learning about computer systems and networks, before moving onto a block on coding.

In PE, we will be working on a dance unit about cold spaces and looking at the principles of balance in gymnastics after half term. In our outdoor sessions, the children will be learning basketball skills. 

In Art, we will be learning about mark-making techniques in the style of Van Gogh in readiness to create our own pictures of Anglo-Saxon villages.

We will also be having fortnightly Forest School Sessions on Wednesdays, starting on Wednesday 18th September. 

More information can be found by accessing the Curriculum Captures on the school website.