Year 1 Home Learning
Please read daily
•Your child will bring home their Guided Reading book (chosen by their teacher) on a Friday. This is the book they have been reading all week and should feel confident reading it to you with fluency and expression (prosody) over the weekend. They should also feel confident in answering the questions you'll find at the back of the book.
•Your child will also bring home their Library book on a Thursday. (Chosen by themselves during our Library visit). This will need to be returned to school the following Thursday to take back to the library.
Please note, your child can only bring a new book home after returning their previous book.
•Oxford Owl have a free ebook library at: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/
•Read (and write) the tricky words.
Further Ideas
Please see the focus of our learning this term on the Year 1 home page, and the Weekly Learning Sharing email which provides further ideas for learning at home.