Who's in the SEND team?
Helen Scrivner is the WCPS Inclusion Manager. She is an experienced teacher and is currently undertaking the NASENCo qualification.
Helen is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and can be contacted at school on 01223 718988 or by email on inclusion@waterbeach.cambs.sch.uk
The SEND team is further made up of SEND assistants Zoe Badcock and Caroline Rutherford.
Zoe currently manages the annual review admin, referrals to outside agencies and she delivers social skills interventions.
Caroline currently manages the SEND parent meetings, assessments and administrative tasks.
Mrs Lisa Wakley-Davies is the SEND Governor who monitors the strategic vision for SEND at Waterbeach. She meets with the SENCo termly and feeds back to the Full Governing Body. If you wish to contact Lisa, please email her via the clerk on clerk@waterbeach.cambs.sch.uk.