School Meals
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All children in Tigers, Leopards,Panthers,Meerkats, Elephants, Rhinos, Polar Bears, Penguins and Arctic Foxes classes are entitled to a free school meal as directed by the Government initiative of 2014.
Hot School Meals and School Packed Lunches
Our school meals are supplied by Lunchtime UK. They believe in using fresh produce which is locally sourced and as a result we know that our children are receiving the very best ingredients in their food.
Our kitchen staff cook a variety of hot meals on site, with a packed lucnh option (ordered in advance on the morning required). Menus are planned to incorporate healthy eating objectives including increasing fibre, and reducing salt, fat and sugar. There is a choice of dessert including fresh fruit and cheese and crackers. Please click on the link to view the latest menus and to see what is on offer this term.
Further information about our provider is available here.
Packed Lunches
Your child may choose to have a packed lunch. We ask that you provide them with a balanced meal that includes some of their five-a-day fruit or vegetables. We encourage children to eat their packed lunches in an appropriate order – saving sweet items until last. Please do not give children sweets or large chocolate bars in their lunch boxes.
Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One are entitled to a Free School Meal should they wish to take it up.