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Provision and Expertise

Universal provision at school includes modifications to teaching that many children benefit from during their time with us. This is very fluid and informal, taking advantage of our teachers’ skills and expertise. Examples of universal provision may include small group work, differentiated work in class or some extra time with an adult. Teachers are expected to make such changes to their practice without input from team leaders or the SENCo, and may not necessarily inform parents when such accommodations are made.

Targeted provision is usually a more formal style of support and may include an evidence-based intervention depending on the needs of the child. We will normally inform parents when children are beginning an intervention programme as we find that positive parental support makes even more difference. We review the effectiveness of our interventions with rigour and will not proceed if they are not fruitful with a particular individual. A list of available interventions is below (and can also be found in our SEND policy)

  • Inference Training
  • Expanded Rehearsal Technique (a daily 6-8 week intervention to improve speed and accuracy of reading)
  • Daily Reading
  • Guided Reading
  • Cambugs Software
  • Pocket Phonics
  • Write from the Start
  • Self Esteem Programme ‘Happy in my Skin’ (a 6 week programme)
  • Physiotherapy (specific students, guided by NHS physiotherapists)
  • Sensory Circuits
  • On Track Maths
  • Morning Maths Boosters
  • Grammar Boosters
  • Mindfulness activities to reduce anxiety
  • Well-being nurture group (4-6 sessions)
  • 'The Zone' lunchtime group
  • 'Talkabout' Social Skills
  • Wordshark 
  • Toe by Toe reading scheme

Details of additional provision for students with Education, Health and Care Plans can be found in the ECHP section.

Specialisms amongst our staff

Many of our teachers and TAs have had training to enable them to offer specialist support to individual students. Examples include ELKLAN language qualifications, ‘STEP on’ behaviour training, ERT training, Sensory Circuits training and Autism Education Trust level 2 qualifications. We hold regular sessions where teachers and TAs can cascade to each other from recent courses, and the SENCo continues to provide training to staff as a regular fixture in the school calendar.