Prevent Statement
The Prevent duty is within the Government’s 2011 counter-terrorism strategy. As part of this, there is a duty on schools to have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". Waterbeach Community Primary School’s staff and governors recognise their duty to protect pupils from indoctrination into any form of extreme ideology which may lead to harm to themselves or others. The School aims to safeguard children and is in the process of developing its Prevent duty strategy through:
- Further training for staff to be vigilant in recognising signs of extremist views and behaviours;
- Facilitating the reporting by staff of anything that may suggest children are expressing opinions which may be of concern;
- Strict safeguarding procedures to protect children when in school;
- Education on safe use of the internet;
- Placing a strong emphasis on the fundamental British values which permeate the working ethos of the school;
- Teaching children to respect and value diversity in a variety of ways including PSHCE lessons, a variety of assemblies and school trips.
Further information on the prevent duty from the Home Office can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/prevent-duty-guidance