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The Curriculum
Music is very important to us at WaterbeachSchool. We aim to ensure that all pupils in the school have the chance to listen and respond to music across a broad range of historical periods, genre and styles; that they sing regularly and learn to play a range of tuned and untuned musical instruments; that they improvise and compose their own music and are introduced to music technology.
Through singing,playing, creating and listening children will learn about the Elements in Music: Pitch,Timbre,Texture,Dynamics, Duration, Tempo and Structure.
Each term Music planning makes links to the year group topics-whether it’s a particular historical period such as The Tudors or a scientific topic on the Body. This inspires children and embeds learning.
We have two online resources which we use where appropriate in lessons:
Sing-Up- a vast bank of songs covering every topic and musical style.
Cambridgeshire -developed Charanga Musical School, an interactive digital scheme. This scheme provides courses in ukulele, recorder,djembe drumming and tuned percussion and is a great resource for teaching children staff notation, improvisation and composition techniques. It also features a fantastic bank of recorded Music covering varied styles and genres for classes to enjoy and explore.
Further Enrichment
There are currently private instrumental lessons available at school in piano, ukulele, guitar, recorder, saxophone, clarinet, flute and drums. (see instrumental lessons page)
The Rocksteady Music School visits us weekly and teaches year group bands to play keyboard, electric guitar, bass, vocals and drums. (see Rocksteady page)
Each week we hold a Singing Assembly for the whole school, and enjoy hearing our instrumentalists play in Celebration Assemblies on Fridays.