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Education, Health and Care Plans

The majority of children and young people with SEN and disabilities will have their needs met by additional support provided by school (up to £6,000 per child). However, for those with complex needs that cannot be met without spending over £6,000, an EHC needs assessment may be required. This provides additional funding to enable an increase in the level of support. This may take the form of Teaching Assistant support, staff training, equipment, assistive technology etc. An EHC plan focuses on identifying individual outcomes and includes children and their parents/carers in the assessment, planning and review process. 

An EHC plan takes into account a child’s Education, Health and Care needs in one plan which brings together all the professionals involved in the care and support of that child. Professionals feed into an annual review which ensures that the plan and support offered remains relevant. An EHC plan may be terminated if it is felt that the child no longer needs such a high level of support. Alternatively, the plan may continue as the child moves to secondary school.

At Waterbeach, the SENCo is responsible for ECHP applications and maintaining current plans. Parents of children with EHCPs can expect (in addition to usual parents’ evenings) an invitation to the EHCP annual review, and two Steps to Success meetings (autumn and summer terms).

Information about EHC plans in Cambridgeshire is here.

Independent support for families is available from:

  • The Parent Partnership Service providing Cambridgeshire's Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

SENDIASS, Pinpoint (the local parent carer forum) and the local authority will work together to ensure Independent Support is available to parents, carers and young people in Cambridgeshire around the issues of EHCPs.