We aim to have open communication channels to keep you informed about everything that is going on in school and to give easy access to speak to us if needed.
Ways we can communicate:
School/team letters – where possible we would like to send all letters via email. There will be occasional letters that are sent out as paper copies with your child.
Website – We hope the website is a good reference source, if there are things that you would like to see included please let us know.
Email – you can send emails to your child’s class teacher or team leader. The protocol is that teachers will respond within 3 working days. If you need a more urgent response then you can leave a message with the school office or send a note to your child’s class teacher.
Pandas Class - Mr Smith Team Leader
Tree Kangaroos Class - Mrs C Freeman
Appointments – if you would like to arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher please contact them via email, school office or letter to arrange a suitable time.
Concerns – if you have any concerns about an issue within the class, please email or speak to the class teacher in the first instance. Then if needed concerns can be raised with the team leader (Mr Smith). When necessary you may then wish to contact Miss Green.