We are really pleased to welcome all children back to school on Monday 8th March 2021.
Monday 8th March is the day that we have all been waiting for. At last, we will be welcoming all of our young people back to school. We know that it will feel strange for some of them but all teachers,with the support from Mrs Tregoing and her team, are ready and willing to help with any difficulties that may arise. From speaking to parents and some children, we think that most of them are just very excited! As are we.
Please remember that this return is mandatory. We will now return to monitoring attendance and statistics will be checked as directed by the Government.
Our risk assessment can be found in the COVID section of this website. If needed, off site learning will also begin here should anyone have to self isolate.
We are all looking forward to seeing everyone but politely ask all parents to observe the request to wear face coverings, whilst on site. and maintain a socially acceptable distance of at least 2 metres from all adults. Thank you.
Finally, we must thank parents for their fabulous support during lock down. You have helped your children as well as carried on with the tasks that you would normally have to perform. It has been a challenge that we think you have all risen to! Lets hope that this is the last time we will have to do this!
See you all on Monday!
Miss Green