COVID update....
No school tomorrow for all children......
Dear Everyone,
In order for us to prepare for off site learning and onsite teaching for children of critical workers and vulnerable children, Waterbeach Community Primary School will not be open tomorrow for any children.
Our staff team will be working to prepare the new learning schedule. The new pods for eligible children will be decided and we will let parents know if their child has a place in school. We will be using the new list generated this week. Please think of the safety of the staff before applying for one of these places. Unless your job is listed as critical on the Gov.uk web site, your child will not qualify. If you can work at home please keep your children with you and access our off site learning.
I am sorry that we have to do this, but the team must have adequate preparation time. This means the offsite learning will start on Wednesday 6th January for all children except those who we allocate a place to tomorrow. We will inform you of further details tomorrow.
Thank you all!
best wishes
Miss Green